Dental Crowns – Your Solution to a Damaged Smile

There are several reasons why tooth damage can occur. A significant reason is the lack of oral health care and oral health issues. Other reasons for tooth decay can be an injury to the tooth or cavities. With modern technology, dentistry today provides a solution for almost any dental problem! If you are not confident of your smile and don’t find it very attractive, a dentist in Southwest Edmonton can advise you on the type of dental crown best suited to fix your smile. Dentists often see different kinds of damage to a tooth. A few forms of damage are: · Discoloration in the tooth · A crack in the tooth · A broken or chipped tooth · When a tooth or tooth enamel has worn out · When the tooth is decayed, in which case a root canal may be required · An overfilled tooth A damaged tooth can visibly affect the appearance as well as the structure of the teeth. A bad bite (an uneven biting pattern), with time, can lead to tooth disorders, worn out teeth, and teeth grind...