How To Treat Unbearable Tooth Pain

Unbearable, excruciating tooth pain is one of the worst things that someone can experience. Usually the result of a dental emergency, it that can make your life absolutely miserable. While the occasional achy tooth is something that most people will experience, sharp, excruciating tooth pain is almost always a sign that something is very wrong and you should receive emergency dental treatment near you immediately. Here’s what you need to know about excruciating tooth pain, what could be causing it and, most importantly, what to do if you find yourself with a throbbing tooth. The Anatomy Of The Tooth When most people think of a tooth, they tend to think of the outer portion - the enamel that covers it and provides it with it’s structure and protection. But when it comes to locating the cause of pain, it’s important to pay attention to what’s actually going on under the surface. At the centre of the tooth is what’s referred to as the “pulp”. ...