How Long Do Dental Fillings Last

The thought of a white, strong and healthy smile is a gift often appreciated, but the thought of sitting in a dentist's chair for hours is quite uncomfortable for most people. After a dental filling procedure, a patient's emotion is often one of relief and satisfaction, and the patient goes on about their day believing the scariest part of the storm has passed. No, it doesn't often end there! Dental fillings are procedures that often need maintenance from time to time, and for younger patients, there are several foreseeable visits to the dentist. What is a Dental Filling? Dental fillings are materials used to patch up damaged teeth caused by bacteria. Although the body has ways of fighting bacteria, the dental environment is often quite a sufficient breeding ground for certain bacteria due to its warmth and moistness. Biofilms that tend to form on the teeth are a hindrance to the bacteria-fighting mechanism of the body. It is advisable to brush the teeth twice a day and und...