What Type of Discomfort is Associated with Invisalign?

Invisalign in Edmonton is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments that addresses the alignment of teeth. It consists of a series of aligners that work by exerting pressure on your teeth, moving them to their rightful positions. Millions of people who went through this process reported a significant improvement in their aesthetics and oral health. Nonetheless, some felt a mild form of discomfort.

Types of Discomfort Related to Invisalign Near You

The process involved in Invisalign is pretty simple and straightforward. It eliminates the need for using brackets and visible wires, which most people find inconvenient. Once the treatment is over, the dentist in Edmonton will advise you to wear a retainer to prevent relapse. To help you navigate this orthodontic procedure, however, we have listed some of the possible types of discomfort that you will encounter with Invisalign.

Mild Eating Discomfort

Unlike standard metallic braces, you can remove your Invisalign when you are eating. Just be sure that you brush your teeth properly after every meal. Check your aligners to make sure that there is no residue or debris left in them. Any food particles in your aligners can trigger different oral problems, such as halitosis. With this, some people will choose to eat less often than usual. Also, most people who have Invisalign will opt for softer food. By selecting food that is more delicate on the teeth, there will be less pressure on them when you are chewing.

Some people are more prone to mouth tenderness. To avoid this condition, try changing to a new aligner before you sleep. It gives your mouth a few hours to adjust to the new aligners. When mealtime arrives, the discomfort that you may feel will be much less. There are times that the pain and discomfort when chewing will feel rather intense. During this time, you can manage the pain by taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pain Associated with Aligning the Teeth 

Patients will not only feel the pain when they are eating. Some of your teeth are situated close to sensitive nerves. Therefore, this tooth may cause discomfort during the realigning process. Understand that the process will involve a significant amount of pressure from different angles. Some patients will experience a more substantial form of tenderness, while others may not necessarily feel anything. Sore gums is a sign that your teeth are moving, and the Invisalign in Edmonton is doing its job. It should motivate you to stick to the treatment. The pain will be more evident during the start of the procedure. Eventually, your teeth will be more accustomed to the dental appliance, and the discomfort will disappear.

Pain in Your Tongue and Gums

You can feel discomfort in your tongue and gum region; this will include the roof of the mouth and your cheeks. This situation is quite common since the aligners will often be in contact with these areas that are mostly composed of softer tissues. Nonetheless, the pain should be bearable. Once it becomes severe, be sure to consult your dentist in Edmonton and visit your dental office near you for necessary adjustments. Never personally adjust your aligners since you can end up damaging your dental appliance.

While there may be some form of discomfort and pain associated with Invisalign near you, there are different methods that can mitigate it. You can use orthodontic wax to relieve some forms of distress. There are also over-the-counter medicines, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, that can alleviate minor types of pain. When you are switching to a new aligner, ask about Invisalign Chewie which will make the transition process more simple.


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