Ways You Can Avoid The Need for Emergency Dental Treatment


An emergency is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation that requires immediate action. It can happen to anyone anytime. Hence, a dental emergency is a situation that endangers your oral health. While there will be some unexpected situations that you cannot prevent, you can avoid some of them, or at least you can stop the problem from getting worse.

Our emergency dentist in SW Edmonton will explain some ways to avoid the need for emergency dental treatment near you.

1.  Don’t Ignore the Early Signs

Pain is how your body tells you that there is something wrong. Many patients have stated that when they have felt a mild pain in a tooth, and it goes away, they ignore it. It is the most common mistake. Never ignore pain. It doesn’t matter how insignificant you think it is; it is warning you that something is not right. Whenever you feel it, schedule an appointment with a dentist near you as soon as possible.

2.  Keep Up With Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Maintaining proper care of your teeth avoids the need for many dental emergencies. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes and flossing between teeth every day is the key to optimal oral health.

Also, make sure to change your toothbrush every three to four months to avoid irritating your gums and teeth with splayed bristles.

3.  Avoid Sugary Snacks

Bacteria react to food particles, especially carbohydrates, and produce acids that decay your tooth; hence, keeping a healthy diet and low in sugars will also reduce the acidity inside your mouth.

4.  Find a Well-Located Dentist in SW Edmonton

Make sure that your dental professional is close to your home or your office, so it’s easier for you to attend the appointments. Missing any dental checkups increases the risk of oral issues.

5.  Wear a Mouth Guard

If you play contact or even a non-contact sport, ensure to wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth, gums, and jaw. Many dental emergencies occur due to a blow in the face while playing sports. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

6.  Discuss Your Dental Anxiety With Your Doctor

Many people don’t visit a dentist because of their fear of any dental procedures. Discuss it with your dental professional so he or she can recommend relaxation techniques to reduce your anxiety before a dental appointment. It will help you not to miss any.

7.  Small Cracks Matter

Some patients don’t visit the dentist unless they have a large hole in a tooth. If you chip a dental piece, schedule an appointment with your dental professional right away. There is no such thing as an inoffensive crack. Ignoring it will only worsen the problem, and in time, you will need to make a more expensive trip to the dentist.

Also, if a dental filling falls off, visit your dentist right away. You may not feel any pain, but bacteria will certainly penetrate and infect your tooth if you don’t seek treatment as soon as possible.

Taking action in time will avoid the need for many dental emergencies. Poor dental care will end up in extensive and tedious dental procedures that will cost much more than if you would have visited your dental professional regularly.

Keep in mind that maintaining good oral care at home is essential to reduce the risk of dental emergencies. Our doctors will help you along the way, but we strongly recommend to be disciplined and follow these recommendations for a better quality of life.



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