Think Dental Protection, Think Dental Sealants


It's so embarrassing having to be cautious whenever you desire to eat, probably because of sensations, pain, or other discomforts you are having when eating or utilizing your teeth.

Cavities cause these pains and sensations in your teeth, and they result from tooth decay.

Well, this is good news, you don't have to worry about anything anymore, you can go on eating the desired food or meal you have always wanted, even in the quantities you want them, and whenever you would like to. All you need to do is to visit a dentist near you to get your teeth sealed with a dental sealant.

What is a dental sealant?

A dental sealant, as the name implies, is a chemical substance that is applied to the teeth to seal out debris or prevent foods or sugar from sticking to the teeth and gums. Think of a bulletproof vest; what it does is prevent the shot fired on an individual from penetrating deep. It reduces the pressure of a fired bullet, thereby causing the impact of the bullets to be depreciated. It's a safety measure. This is the way a sealant works; they protect the teeth, gums, and enamels from decaying by reducing and preventing the effect of acidic activities of bacteria on the teeth and the mouth generally.

Basically, after a meal, you wash or brush your teeth, but sometimes if not all the time, this is inefficient; brushes won't wash the innermost part of your teeth compared to the way they would clean the front teeth.

Why use a dental sealant?

Cavities and tooth decay are bad things. You could lose your confidence due to lost or broken teeth caused by oral cavities.

The following are the discomfort tooth decay could cause you

  1. Degrees of pain
  2. Tooth blemish
  3. Inflammation of the gums
  4. Loss of teeth
  5. Difficulty in chewing
  6. Sagging of teeth due to the gaps a lost tooth or teeth has created
  7. Nutritional complications could lead to weight loss

If you are convinced and desire to have dental sealants near you, Jagare Ridge Dental is the right stop and clinic for you.

Application of dental sealants

Wherever the clinic you visit or whether you decide to have dental sealants in SW Edmonton, the process is the same everywhere.

Below are the simple steps involved in the application of dental sealants;

  1. The teeth to be sealed are first washed clean
  2. Followed by drying. Absorbents such as cotton can be used
  3. Adhesives such as an acid solution are rubbed on the teeth (the chewing area). The essence of this is to help in binding the sealant to be applied to stick with the teeth
  4. Little washing off of extra solutions then drying
  5. The sealant is finally applied to the enamel, where it hardens and bonds with the teeth
  6. A specialized light could be used to ensure fast and effective hardening of the sealants to the teeth

Removing of dental sealants

If you want to protect your teeth and keep them healthy, don't remove the dental sealant. One possible situation where it might be necessary is if the application of the sealants was not made properly on a patient's tooth. Still, other than that, there are no reasons for removing this protective layer from one's mouth. Sealants can help with excessive wear and tear by protecting vulnerable areas like chewing surfaces while also strengthening weak spots in enamel caused by pre-existing decay or cavities accumulation.


Typically a dental sealant should last at least about 10 years. However, occasional checking should be done to ascertain the integrity of the sealant. If there is a need, it should be replaced as soon as possible.


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